Cherie Dasmacci

Cherie Dasmacci is a Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Real Estate Broker located on the island of Maui in Hawaii.

Cherie has extensive business development experience in both the corporate world and as a business owner. Throughout her career and her personal life, she has experienced success and faced adversity.

What sets her apart from many others is that no matter what obstacles or setbacks have crossed her path, she never lets them take her down. Every situation we face in life contains a lesson and there are rewards and consequences for each choice we make. With the right tools, we can make
better decisions and have enhanced productivity, personal growth, and a better life.

Cherie makes a point to surround herself with amazing, goal-oriented people who share her values. Those people have helped her grow into the person she is today and continue to help be a better person tomorrow. She is passionate about helping others achieve their goals. She is a Certified Coach with the John Maxwell Team and a Certified Behavior Consultant with Personality Insights. Through her company, Aspire Leadership Development, she works with
individuals, teams, and leadership to help them Improve Communication, Increase Productivity and Impact results. She offers Workshops, Seminars, lunch and learns, Keynote speaking, as well as one on one consulting. She customizes training programs to serve the needs of your organization.

Become the person you were meant to be.

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